2019 Grant Recipients

Austin East farm – Rebecca Harman

This was at the $1000 or $500 amount for many reviewers, despite the absence of the letter.

The committee felt this was a high impact opportunity that would have a lasting impact on the community. The reasoning against awarding the $1000 amount was due to the high level of volatility with school garden programs if the garden champion leaves the school. This has occurred previously with this program, but it now also has an outside champion.

Hey Moon Farm – Beth Aisenbrey

The committee discussed this award without Daniel present. The reasoning was again based on community impact outside the farm. Beth and Daniel are committed to supporting the East Side Sunday market as vendors, they are working to open the farm up to the community as a demonstration farm for urban agriculture and both of them are broadly involved in local food sustainability and the larger issues that impact young farmers regionally and nationally.

The Blount County Seed Library – Sheila Pennycuff

The committee felt the work of a seed library supported by one of the region’s most respected seed savers had strong alignment with the initial mission of Slow Food to preserve culturally significant food plants and breeds. The library structure also has a large community impact in that the seeds are availabel free of charge to the general public. The amount awarded will not cover the full amount of the expense for which it was requested but will make a significant contirbution to purchsing the freezer that will be used for processing and storage.

Burwell Gardens – Molly Conaway

The committee felt this was both a high alignment and a high impact project. The application emphasized both the sustainable food aspect of community gardens but also addressed that the garden then becomes a community space. Again here the award doesn’t cover the complete expense but makes a pretty good dent in it.

Johnson County Farmers Market – Bethany Anderson

The committee felt this was a high impact award in that it supports a farmers market – and therefore access to fresh, local food – in a county with a very high poverty rate.

For $250

Grow Oak Ridge Winter Farmers’ Market – Rebecca Williams

This project addresses access to SNAP recipients and supports the POP Club at the market both of which have a broad impact on the community.

SugarTree Gourmet -Adam & Shelby Cottrill, Steve Harrell

This project was chosen both because of its alignment with Slow Food’s mission and because of the uniqueness of the project. The smaller amount of the award still has the possibility of making a dent in the project.